Our Sunday Services are held at 9AM, 11:15AM, & 5PM! Head over to the Sunday Service tab for more information.
A Jesus-Made Family
We believe reconciliation leads us to dependence on God, unity as a diverse body of believers, and engagement in our community. We’d love to share more about who we are and what God is doing at Grace City.
GCC Celebrates Black history month
Happy Black History Month! This month, we honor the legacy of Black men and women who have shaped our history, culture, and faith. May our reflections point us to God’s glory in the resilience, creativity, and beauty of His diverse Kingdom.
Raising arrows
Join us this spring for Raising Arrows, an 8-week parenting class. Designed for parents of kids aged 0-7 (but open to all parents and soon-to-be parents), this class will help you grow, be equipped, and build community. It will launch on Monday, March 17th, and costs $15/person. Find out more information using the sign up below!
Essentials is our membership class! This 7 week course is broken into both large group teaching and consistent small group discussion around our values - childcare will be provided. Let us know if you're coming by signing up below!
Discovery is an intro class where we’ll talk through the distinctives of Grace City Church in hopes that it helps a guest get more clarity on if this is the church for you! It is also the gateway to connect at Grace City Church.