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Gospel of Mark | Video Resources

Mark Background Video 1

Join us Pastor Kite and KeJuan have a conversation about the entire narrative of the Gospel according to Mark as we kick off our Mark series!

Mark Background Video 2

Join us Pastor Kite and Kingsley continue to look at the Gospel of Mark from a zoomed-out lens, specifically looking at the end of Mark 1 and connecting it to the beginning of Mark 3.

Mark Background Video 3

Join us as Pastor Kite continues to press into the Gospel of Mark with a zoomed out lens.

Mark Background Video 4

Pastor Kite continues looking at the literary structure of Mark, this time zooming out to look at chapter 6-8!

Mark Background Video 5

Continue to follow along with our Mark resource videos as Pastor Kite and Sarah take a look at the middle of the book of Mark as Jesus and the disciples make their way from Galilee to Jerusalem.